violence prevention resources
just in time webinars (not available for ceus)
These "Just in Time" webinars are on current issues and provide useful learning opportunities to SSWAA members and non-members alike. Please feel free to share information about these webinars will colleagues. Note: CEUs are not offered for these webinars.
Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018
1PM - 2:30PM EST
Lessons Learned from Parkland
This Webinar will provide an overview of the school social work response to the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida which claimed the lives of 17 students and faculty – the largest loss ever in a school shooting. With no manual to guide the recovery efforts of such a large scale response in a huge school District – 6th largest school district in the nation, many lessons were learned. Some of these lessons will be shared: from the perspective of organizational leadership; clinical first responders, for students as well as for staff; and community member (parent). A segment of the Webinar will highlight what was done particularly well.
Laurel E. Thompson, Ph.D. CSW, Director, Student Services, Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), Florida
James Neeck, MSW, School Social Worker BCPS
Susan N. Vialpando, LCSW, Supervisor, Family Counseling Program, BCPS
Lisa Wobbe-Veit, MSW, Clinical Associate Professor, South Regional Director, USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, University of Southern California
Monday, Oct. 22, 2018
2PM - 3:30PM EST
Suicide Assessment in Schools: Process and Procedure in two Colorado School Districts
Learn about and compare two school districts in Colorado suicide assessment process to respond when threats are made in the school setting. This webinar provides steps to take in a given situation to focus on the safety of the identified person(s) who may need additional support.
Sheri Olson, MSW, LCSW
Monday, Nov. 12, 2018
4PM - 5:30PM EST
Threat Assessment in Schools: Process and Procedure in one Colorado School District
See how one school district in Colorado utilizes the threat assessment process to respond when threats are made in the school setting. This webinar provides steps to take in a given situation to focus on the safety of the school and the identified person(s) who may need additional support.
Sheri Olson, MSW, LCSW
Pre-recorded webinars
Recorded Webinar by Dr. Amy Klinger and Amada Klinger
Recorded Webinar by Dr. Amy Klinger
Dr. Klinger presents her most recent findings on school violence in the days since Parkland, FL and answers questions.
Recorded Webinar by Dr. Ron Avi Astor and Rami Benbenishty
Recorded Webinar
Recorded Webinar by Dr. Dewey Cornell
other resources

Researched and written by Dr. Amy Klinger and Amanda Klinger, Esq.

Student Threat Assessment: An Evidence-Based Approach
By Dewey Cornell, Ph.D. Curry School of Education University of Virginia

Peacemaking Circles and Urban Youth: Bringing Justice Home
Book by Carolyn Boyes-Watson

Pain in the Nation: Education Brief

Heart of Hope: A Guide for Using Peacemaking Circles to Develop Emotional Literacy, Promote Healing & Build Healthy Relationships
Book by Carolyn Boyes Watson and Kay Pranis