by Rebecca Oliver, SSWAA Executive Director

Imagine a morning on the porch, a cup of coffee in hand, and a time of quiet before the day begins. It is here, in the stillness that your mind wanders – thinking, dreaming, reflecting. While I don’t have a front porch, I do have a back deck. For me, sitting on my deck is a time of solace, when I dream of what’s ahead or where I reflect on the past day, celebrating what has been accomplished.
As a new school year begins, we are filled with hope. School children enter the school building excited to learn who their teacher will be, what new friends they will make, what lessons they will learn, and they have hope for a new beginning. We too are filled with hope – hope for new beginnings, connections with colleagues, and accomplishments ahead! For SSWAA, this hope translates into action as we prepare for enhanced learning, meaningful connections, and impactful initiatives.
But sometimes, just like with porch-sitting, there can be value in reflecting on the past. Reflecting can help us learn, can aid us in celebrating our accomplishments, and can assist us in purposeful forward planning.

In those quiet moments on the deck, as I reflect on the past semester, there is so much to be proud of. From policy convening with other school-based professions to a White House event on attendance, SSWAA has been at the forefront of shaping our profession’s future. Our participation in multiple DC coalitions, national work groups, and grant collaborations reflect our dedication to lifting the voices of school social workers across the nation. SSWAA has wrapped up work around the National Census, hosted multiple listening sessions in preparation for the release of the SSWAA National School Social Work Practice Model 2.0, and held its inaugural Summer Symposium indicating our commitment to leading and generating forward momentum for our profession.
While the mention of these items is not comprehensive and does not intend to capture all of the work of the School Social Work Association of America, reflecting on the past can help us celebrate our accomplishments and plan with purpose for the future.
As you sit on your own porch or balcony or deck, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect. What have you accomplished this year? How can you learn from the last year and build upon your successes? At SSWAA we are doing the same thing – celebrating our progress and planning with purpose for what’s ahead.
So, as we step into a new year, take a moment to sit, reflect, and dream. Let’s make this year one of growth, connection, and purpose. And remember, SSWAA is with you every step of the way—ready to support you, celebrate your successes, and plan for a brighter future together.
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen –
that stillness becomes a radiance.” Morgan Freeman

Rebecca K. Oliver, LMSW is the Executive Director of the School Social Work Association of America. Prior to her current role, Mrs. Oliver served on the SSWAA Board of Directors and has over 20 years of experience working as a school social worker. In addition to her social work training, Rebecca has a Graduate Certificate of Nonprofit Management and Leadership. In her current role with SSWAA, Rebecca is able to support school social workers across the nation and advocate for the profession about which she is so passionate. When not working, Rebecca enjoys traveling with her husband Jon, singing, running, reading, doing home improvements, and being outdoors, including taking walks with her dog Buddy.