By Shercee Barrett, SSWAA Student Intern
This month, SSWAA would like to acknowledge Steven Whitmore for his hard work and dedication within the field of school social work. Mr.Whitmore has demonstrated the importance of educational leadership, the impact of culture within school systems and the benefit of implementing technololgy in school social work advancement. In this interview, Mr.Whitmore describes his work that has been done and how relationships have impacted his career. Continue reading to learn more about his work and his impact throughout his school social work career.
Where do you practice SSW and what population did you work with?
I am a school social work consultant in a county that employs about 350 school social workers. I provide information, resources and training on Social Emotional Learning, Mental Health and Behavior Related Topics.
What practice area or practice topic is essential to your work?
I am really intrigued by school culture and systems work.
What impact has membership in SSWAA had on your practice?
I really enjoy the national conference and listening to a wide variety of best practices to bring back to my area. The professional network that I have created as a result of SSWAA has been invaluable.

How would you describe SSWAA in two words and why?
National, but personable. For being a national organization, I find everyone so approachable and helpful.
What value have you found in developing professional connections or a network of professionals?
I enjoy attending the research forum conference days and listening to researchers talk about their work. I have a deeper understanding of social work research, its strengths and weaknesses.
What new SSWAA projects are you most excited about?
SSWAA’s social media/public relations campaign. I believe that many don’t know our profession and this is a great way to educate others about school social work.
If You Could Rid the World of One Thing, What Would It Be?
Trauma and restore a sense of wonder and awe for our world.

Mr. Whitmore is an active member of SSWAA which has enriched our organization and our profession. His initiative to take the lead in advancing sustainability within school social work is making a positive impact in relationships, building connections and rapport with other professionals.